Nzuko Ndi-Igbo Dundee was established in 2015 in Dundee Scotland. It is an association of ‘Ndi-Igbo’ or ‘people of Igbo decent’ and their relatives.
We, the Igbo speaking people of Nigeria, domiciled in Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom, aware of our common heritage and recognizing our lineage to the Igbo people of Nigeria, do hereby voluntarily come together to consolidate our unity as one people, Ndi-Igbo.
To promote and foster togetherness, cultural awareness, co-operation, respect and unity among the members and families of Nzuko Ndi-Igbo Dundee, their host community and people of other nationalities.
Igwe bu Ike’, or ‘Unity is Strength’. This is rooted in our belief that unity and stability can only be achieved through a general sense of emotional, social, and psychological wellbeing.